Frequently Asked Questions


What is a per diem?

A per diem is the charge for daily care for the life of an animal. The per diem account can be changed at any time by an account transfer.  This information can be found in Resources.

When does per diem billing begin?

The per diem starts on the effective day on the cage card (the day animals arrive).  The daily per diem charge ends on the effective date the animal leaves the facility or is euthanized.

How do I obtain access to the animal facility?

First, contact the OLAR Director for approval.  Once the request has been approved, email the Building Services Manager with your MSU ID number and the building/room number you need access for CVM.  Contact Denice Miller (325-7581) for Harned Hall access.

I need animals for my animal use protocol. Can I order these from the vendor on my own?

No.  All animals obtained for research use must be ordered through the LARAC office.  You will be limited to ordering the amount authorized on your animal use protocol.

Should I order more animals than is required for a stated protocol?

You cannot order more animals than that listed on your animal use protocol.  If the vendor sends more animals than what was ordered, options include: using the animals on your protocol if the number of animals have not been exceeded, transferring to another protocol if both protocols allow for transfer, or euthanasia.

What is the deadline for placing animal orders?

Animal orders must be placed by 3:00pm on Wednesday for animals to arrive the following week.

What information is needed to place an animal order?

Contact the LARAC Business Coordinator with the following information:  Vendor name, Account number, Age, Sex, Species/Strain, Quantity, Protocol number, USDA pain category.

When are animals deducted from my animal use protocol?

At the time new animals arrive, weaning of rodents, and protocol transfers.

How do I transfer animals from one protocol to another?

Go to the Forms section and select the link for Animal Transfer.  Complete the form and submit as requested.